Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Diary of a Deer Hunter

1:00 AM - Alarm clock rings.

2:00 AM - Hunting partner arrives, drags you out of bed.

2:30 AM - Throw everything except the kitchen sink into pickup.

3:00 AM - Leave for the deep woods.

3:15 AM - Drive back home to pick up gun.

4:00 AM - Set up camp, forgot the tent.

4:30 AM - Head for the woods.

6:05 AM - See eight deer.

6:06 AM - Take aim and squeeze trigger.

6:07 AM - Click...

6:08 AM - Load gun while watching deer go over hill.

8:00 AM - Head back to camp.

9:00 AM - Still looking for camp.

10:00 AM - Realize you don't know where camp is.

NOON - Fire gun for help, eat wild berries.

12:15 PM - Strange feeling in stomach.

12:30 PM - Realize you ate poison berries.

12:45 PM - Rescued.

12:55 PM - Rushed to hospital to have stomach pumped.

3:00 PM - Arrive back at camp.

3:30 PM - Leave camp to kill deer.

4:00 PM - Return to camp for bullets.

4:01 PM - Load gun, leave camp again.

5:00 PM - Empty gun on squirrel that is bugging you.

6:00 PM - Arrive at camp, see eight deer grazing in camp.

6:01 PM - Load gun.

6:02 PM - Fire gun.

6:03 PM - One dead pickup.

6:05 PM - Hunting partner arrives in camp dragging deer.

6:06 PM - Repress desire to shoot hunting partner.

6:07 PM - Fall into fire.

6:10 PM - Change clothes, throw burned ones into fire.

6:15 PM - Take pickup, leave hunting partner and his deer in camp.

6:25 PM - Pickup boils over, hole shot in block.

6:26 PM - Start walking.

6:30 PM - Stumble and fall, drop gun in mud.

6:35 PM - Meet bobcat.

6:36 PM - Take aim.

6:37 PM - Fire gun, blow up barrel plugged up with mud.

6:38 PM - Mess pants.

6:39 PM - Climb tree.

9:00 PM - Bobcat leaves, you wrap gun around tree.

MIDNIGHT - Home at last!!!

SUNDAY - Watch football game on television, slowly tearing up hunting license into small pieces. Place license in envelope and mail to the game department with detailed instructions.

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