Saturday, November 8, 2008

Bird conisseur

A forest ranger catches a man sitting by a make-shift campfire in a state park. To the ranger's horror, the man has just cooked an innocent bald eagle and is having it for dinner. Consequently, the man is put in jail for his crime.

On the day of his trail, the conversation in the courtroom went something like this...

The judge asked of the man, "Do you know that eating a bald eagle is a federal offense?"

"Yes I do, your honour. But, if you’ll allow me to argue my case, I can explain what happened."


"Well, to be honest, I got lost in the woods and I hadn't had anything to eat for two weeks. I was desperately hungry. Anyway, I saw a Bald Eagle swooping down at the lake for some fish and I figured, if I followed the eagle, I might be able to steal the fish. After some time, I happened upon the eagle sitting on a tree stump with the fish. I threw a stone in the eagle’s direction, hoping he would drop the fish and fly away. Unfortunately, in my weakened condition, my aim was off... The rock hit the eagle squarely on his poor little head. Anyway, since I accidentally killed the eagle, I figured it was a blessing in disguise. And so, your honour, I ate the bird to save my own life."

"Very well," replied the judge. "The court will take a fifteen minute recess and return with a verdict."

Some fifteen minutes later...

"In the court’s opinion, due to your extreme circumstances and the fact that you had no poor intentions, the court will dismiss all charges."

The Judge then leans over the bench and whispers to the man, "If you don't mind my asking, what does a bald eagle taste like?"

"Well, your honour," the man replied, "It’s hard to explain... but, I suppose it is tastes something like a California Condor or a Spotted Owl."

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