Wednesday, December 24, 2008


A man goes into the unemployment office in Los Angeles to look at job openings on the bulletin board. Since there aren't many jobs in his field it doesn't take him long. Then, just as he's on his way out, he spots something.

"Wanted," it says, "Single man, willing to travel, must have own scissors, $500 per day, plus company car and all expenses."

Well, it sounds a bit too good to be true, but he makes a note of the number and walks up to the counter. "I'd like to apply for this job," he says, "it's E/784/B46."

"Oh, that one," says the clerk. "It's with a model agency right here in Los Angeles. They're looking for a pubic hair inspector. The agency supplies girls who model underwear and bathing suits. Before they go on the catwalk, they'd report to you and you would inspect them carefully and snip off any wisps of pubic hair showing."

"It pays well, but there are a few drawbacks. It involves quite a lot of travel. The Bahamas, Tahiti, Paris, London... that sort of thing."

"I reckon I could learn to live with all that," says the fellow. "I'd really like to apply for the job." The clerk shrugs and says, "Okay, here's an application form and a bus ticket to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan."

"Moose Jaw?! That's in Canada! Why in the world would I want to go to Moose Jaw?"

"Well," says the clerk, rechecking his computer, "that's where the end of the application line is at the moment."

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